Monday, October 12, 2009

Weddings and the single bridesmaid

Usually I don't mind being single. I do want to meet Mr. Right, but "single time" I can use to try new things and better myself without being attached to someone. I can flirt with whoever I want, and none of my days are planned around someone else's schedule. I love independence.

But then sometimes ....

I feel like the one animal whos mate forgot what time the ark was boarding.

Where am I guaranteed to feel this way every time? A Wedding.

As a single woman, I hate going to weddings by myself. Several things always happen:

• At least 3 people over the age of 60 will come up to me and pat me on the back and say something like "you're turn will come sweetie, don't worry."

• My strapless dress will make me look like I have back fat.

• Someone (usually a creepy uncle) will invite me back to their hotel room.

• I will dance by myself.

• I will stand or sit by myself, or attach to a group of people as an extra wheel.

Most of all, I always get that feeling that I'm a part of something that will never happen for me. I've helped some friends pick out engagement rings, and others wedding dresses ... I wonder, will any of this ever be for me, or am I going to keep seeing my friends celebrate as couples starting their lives together, and be content with that?

I'm not obsessed with marriage, and I don't even want to be married right now. I don't feel like any kind of internal clock is ticking or anything like that. It's just that when I'm there, and I see how happy my friends are with their new husbands or wives, I wonder what it would be like to have that with someone - and it's hard to imagine that I ever will when I'm by myself.


Sorry for being a Debbie Downer, but I wanted to say that before I say this:

Yes, a wedding can make even the most confident of us single girls wonder "when is my turn?" But as I was driving home from the latest celebration today, I realized that everything has its time for all of us, and I already have lots of things to toast to in my life. I don't have to be registered to receive amazing (though usually unexpected) gifts. And most of all, I can still be incredibly happy for those of my friends who have each found their person, because I know they will do the same for me.... what are friends really but a network of support and love? It certainly makes the term "someday" way less intimidating. Even if I never get married, I'll still have all that my friends give me, and that in itself is something we can all raise our glasses to.

I thank God every day for my married, coupled and single friends. I love you all!

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