Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Booty pop ... a true underdog story

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a flat ass. Seriously, it's like a pancake. Also, I have enormous wide hips, cellulite and can't wear those super low jeans because there's a little roll on the side of my hips that hangs over.

Am I overweight? Nope. Not at all. But when I look in the mirror I do see a lot of room for improvement in my body. To me, a number on the scale does not mean health. What I've started to realize is that I'm going to have to bump up my daily physical activity if I want to look and feel better for myself. I may look healthy, but I have no muscle tone, and just about every inch of my body jiggles. Folks, it's time for a lifestyle makeover! I don't want my lack of activity to catch up with me as I get older and my metabolism slows down. I want to get into the habit of working fitness into my daily lifestyle so I stay healthy for a long time.

Plus it wouldn't hurt to look smokin' hot naked.

You can hide a lot with clothes. A wide belt or a tunic top can disguise jean overhang, heels can be a Wonderbra for your ass and elongate your legs... and then there are wonderful products like Spanx that let you live a complete lie. Believe me, I have the super-reinforced booty smoothing, tummy sucking thigh slimming super Spanx.

It's a hell of a lot easier to shimmy into reinforced spandex than it is to sweat to your ipod on a StairMaster 4 to 5 days a week, but at the end of the day I'd rather tell those nasty booty dimples to f*ck off permanently, wouldn't you?


Step #1: Join a gym. Oh yeah, no brainer. I found one with a membership special that won't break the bank, and it's really close to the office so I don't have any excuses not to go.

Step #2: Get my cellulite-dimpled pancake ass into the gym. This part was easy.... the first day. I found out quickly that the only thing I really feel comfortable doing in there is running on the elliptical machine. Also, I have very few workout clothes that don't look like they've been chewed by wild animals. Ugh. I need help here.

Step #3: Buy new workout gear. Marshall's is the most glorious place on Earth. I hope my new Average Joe's t-shirt helps me reach a new level in my workouts. Yes, I resisted the sparkly leg warmers and matching sweat bands... sooooo Olivia Newton-John. Sigh.

Step #4: Get a trainer. Heck yeah I got a trainer. I fail at the gym harder than Whitney Houston fails at staying clean. Left to my own devices here, I will not succeed in my mission of fitness.


So today was my first meeting with my new trainer. She seems pretty cool for someone who's about to kick my ass on a regular basis for the next year. Also, she's about half my size - that's not a fat vs fit joke either... she literally comes up to my boob. We look a bit like Shrek and Donkey.

I'm already hurting too, and I can't lift my arms. Tomorrow is gonna be an Advil day I'm sure. Also a cheeseburger day. My spidey sense is telling me I'm going to need a cheeseburger tomorrow.

Stay tuned for progress reports. I'm pretty excited about the new me, and I can't wait to see some results.

But if it doesn't work I'm going to have to take more drastic measures with my undergarments.

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